Tuesday, October 18, 2011
The Morton Arboretum
On September 22 I drove down to Lisle, Illinois, to do three things: (1) Take in a showing of the film about the Father of Conservation, Aldo Leopold, "Green Fire", which is being shown by groups all over the United States; (2) meet a dedicated environmentalist and writer, Curt Meine; and (3) do book-signings of my book, "Saving Peacock Prairie". Well between 6:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. I accomplished all three! Bolstered by two cans of coke, I then drove back home (no, I'm not promoting coke, but sometimes a person needs it). If you haven't had the opportunity to see "Green Fire", seek out this high quality movie about an outstanding environmentalist. Also, if you've never visited the Morton Arboretum and its successful restoration of 100 acres of prairie, find an opportunity. I had the distinct pleasure of knowing the builder of that prairie, the late Ray Schulenburg, and witnessing the beginning of his monumental project. Bernice